Monday, October 5, 2020


 Activity -Water Candle

Aim:-making a water candle.

Objective :-for decoration


1.Glass jar

2. Water

3. Oil

4. Cotton

5. plastic cap or piece of plastic

6. Matchstick


1.We take a glass jar and pour the water in it.

2.Now we pour one teaspoon of oil in the jar.

3. In the next step we cut the plastic cap ( piece )in a round shape.

4. and make a hole at the center of the plastic piece.

5. Now we roll the Cotton and dip it in the oil.

6. In the next step we pass the Cotton in the hole of plastic  piece.

7 now we put this plastic piece in the glass jar.

8. Now we use the matchsticks to light the Cotton.

 This is how our water candle is ready. 

                        Dairya Lohia

Note:-For decoration of water candle we can put watercolor glitters or  colourful stones  and marbles in the water .


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