Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Work education- the real education



          In this world many people lack behind in practical knowledge of real life, they don’t even know how to cook the food, can’t iron their clothes and many more daily life work. We see that many students after passing the school and collage, are very poor in practical knowledge of real life; they feel very      helpless in many situations because they have only bookish knowledge, but not the practical application of the education. 

Ø Experiences are the windows of our brain.

       It is very difficult for an individual to survive easily without the practical knowledge of real life. We have to learn the work with hands for the betterment of ourselves and for society.


                    Fig. Paneer paratha


                                    Fig. A mud house click here 

So tell me ,What type of education should be given to the students ?   
Education should be experience (work) based.Experience based education is the great teacher of a human being in different stage of life.

The aim of education must be, to produce a student who is capable to face the challenges and demands of real life. It can be achieved by including the different skills of work in our education system, like handicraft, painting etc. By this process students can approaches to real world in easy manner.

Well tell me ,How many of you can actually give CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation)? , it is an emergency life saving technique when someone stopped breathing, in case of heart attack or cardiac arrest.      CPR Process



Ø   We should train our mind through our hands. 

v  What is the “WORK” ?

work Physical work (click here)


Fig. making of churma click here, a rajasthani sweet dish.

       Fig .Traditional Lamp (CHIMNEY)

                 In our daily life we see that many people do different activities manually, we ourselves also do many different physical activities from sunrise to sunset or up to the late night. We cook food at home, we wash our clothes, a person rides on a bicycle, a person packs a parcel in a factory, a person makes a paper bag, a mechanic repairs a bike or a car, a person cleans the road, a person repairs mobiles, t.v, laptop; a person builds house and so many activities.


The Important thing is that we cannot separate the physical work from our daily life.We see that work is essential part of our life and by which we fulfill our needs. 
Now tell me ,With whom does our Livelihood relate ?
   We can say that our livelihood is closely related to work(labour),e.g A rickshaw puller earn money by doing physical labour,a farmer does physical labour to grow the crops , a barber also earn money by physical work, a halwai (confectioner) does physical labour to prepare sweets, samosa and many other eatable things.
                    A car assembler assembles the different parts of a computer, Workers of a mobile network company do many physical work and provide service to us. 

                    Physical labour is very important in our life, a house in which we live, is the output of someone’s physical labour and so many examples are there.

    So we can define work as an activity which includes physical labour and by which we get some meaningful product or a service for oneself or for our society. 

Ø Meaning/concept  of work education:-


 What can we learn from our ancient education system?

            In olden days, students were lived in the ashrams with their gurus (teacher) and used to do all their daily work themselves. And by this they learned many life skills for their survival. They used hands and mind for their work. That was the real example of work education.                                                          

    We perform a lot of activities in our daily life and we learn so many things by doing some particular tasks. Just think, why does a person take education?     Every person wants to earn her or his livelihood by the use of education. Our education should be like that so we can enhance our life experiences. Education should be for the betterment of an individual and for society. For that
      • we should educate our mind through our hands. 
            Work education is the work experience, means an education which is given by hands-on experience. In short we can say that Work education, is the knowledge (practical work, physical work) that we learn to enhance our life.

It is a bridge between manual work and bookish knowledge.


We can define work education as a tool click here (physical work click here) by which one can learn the practical skills of real world and can produce a product or service useful to an individual or a society.

It includes various life skills, different observations of surroundings, experiences of daily life and many more things of real world.

Work education will help to develop the positive attitude towards manual work 


There are some points to describe the importance of work in education

• Students will be more capable to face the challenges of real life.

• They feel close to their surroundings.

• Students will be more productive.

• They will understand the values of the things, products; since they do self work. 

They will be familiar to hands-on experience.

Develop creative skills among the students.

They will be more sensible towards the better use of available resources.


Improve your employability.

They will develop the feeling of self reliance. (Yes, I can do.)

Self-awareness towards health, hygiene and cleanliness.

Understand the importance of physical work.


Learn life skills.

Develop better relationship between teacher and student.

Problem solving.

What is the aim of work education?

        The aim of work education is to relate the school study with real life that will be helpful for them                in workplace and they will be aware about needs of individual, society. Most importance aim of               work education is to develop the dignity of labour among the students.

What is the importance of work education? 
       Since work education has manual nature so students will work with hands and they will develop               many skills like handicraft, self discipline, mental strength, practical skill.

What are the benefits of work based education?
        Work-based education will help the students in many         aspects like good interpersonal relation,                              selection of carrier goals, better communication                  skill,  after 10+2 students can choose a carrier by                  the help of skills acquired by them.
        And work based education will also be helpful for
                the employer,employer will be happy to received
                a employee who understand the expectations of work-
                place and able to meet the needs of a company.

How does life skill education help?
One can release owns potential by the help of practical work,it helps to cope up with stress. Students can learn leadership quality, better time management and many other skills

How can work education help in choosing a career              option?
It will help to the students to choose the carrier option of their interest and related to their skills.Students can then select courses of study that are tied to their individual career goals.

How can I benefit from work experience?
The Work experience which you get during your study period will provide a new way learning, which relate your bookish knowledge with the real world. By this you can acquire skills which are considered by companies for job like better communication, team-management, critical thinking, and leadership. 

Few thing you can learn during cooking:

Math skills, counting(how much potatoes required), fractions(cut         in pieces), sequencing(determining orders of events), measuring         and shapes.

science, how food change color, acid base. 

Geography, such as where different foods       grow and why they grow best there.

Cultural lessons about the diets of people in other parts of the world.
Creativity you can try different ways of cooking. 
History lessons about how people used to eat in the past.
Health lessons, such as understanding nutrition and the food groups, as well as appreciating                     the importance of safety and cleanliness.
Fine motor skills, through whisking, measuring, pouring, sifting, and rolling.
And of course social skills, such as responsibility, cooperation, sharing, and self-esteem.



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  1. Replies
    1. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  2. Hi l am sakshi shrama

  3. Hi I am Shivam Jha

    Wow very nice ��

  4. Good evening sir ,
    Name : Divyansh Mishra

  5. Hello Sir,
    I am Akshita Malviya

  6. Good morning sir
    I'm anshuman singh

  7. Good evening sir ,

  8. Good afternoon sir
    Name -deepashvi pal pushp

  9. Good afternoon sir
    Name–kunal Kumar

  10. i am Sakshi Ganesh Susar

    Thank you so much sir

  11. Hello Guys Kaise ho Corona me sab thik toh hana Any problem toh google ya fir Social media ki help lo Dhanevaad

  12. Nice blog sir
    Awik kumar-7-a


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