Monday, April 26, 2021


                                   Study of Electrical Hand Tools




         To make the aware of electrical hand tools and  able to identify the tools


Tools required:- 

Screwdriver, tester, hammers, hand saw, hacksaw, drill machine,  spanner,

adjustable wrench,  files. 

Some photos as below:


 Screw driver

 Line tester


      hexasaw blade

Crosscut saw,hand saw

Drill Machine

Paana ,wrench




  • Screwdriver:- it is used to tighten or loosen the screw

  • Line tester:- It is used to check the flow of current

  • Hammer:- it is used to Hammer nails on any Surface

  • Hand saw:- It is used to cut wooden surface or object 

  • Hacksaw:-It is used to cut plastic or iron pipe

  • Plier:-It is used to hold wire or tighten the nuts or bolts

  • Drill machine:-It is used to drill holes on any Surface

  • Measuring tape:-It is used to measure any object or item

  • Spanners:-It is used to tighten or loosen any bolt

  • Files:-It is used to sharpen is smoothen any Surface


Safety precautions

  • Tools should not be left unattended

  • Be careful while using tools

  • Tools should be kept properly in the toolbox after use 

  • Sharp tools should be kept separately and also handled carefully.



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                                      Study of Electrical Hand Tools       Purpose:          To make the aware of electrical hand tools an...